In any case, be particularly careful with your hands during this period of extreme cold. In this article, the nail supply expert Maryton will tell you some hand care ideas to carry out in winter. Just keep reading! Cracks on the hands: the ideal natural remedy remains shea butter with a few drops of essential oil of rose geranium or true lavender, because they promote the healing of wounds and wounds. Inflammations: several layers of aloe vera which relieve itching and moisturize with a few drops of Roman chamomile essential oil. Eczema: aloe vera with a few drops of argan oil or oil …
When you hear badly, it is tempting to equip yourself with a hearing aid to hear better. Yourloved ones may have urged you to purchase a hearing aid . But is it a good idea… No one is making fun of someone with a hearing aid. However, have you thought about what you will lose by wearing a hearing aid? Here are the 5 points to think about before taking the plunge. 1) Thanks to the hearing aid you will hear better Hear well, that’s the goal, you say. But have you thought about the consequences? No more hiding behind …
Puryt, the young company specializing in preset hearing aids designed in collaboration with an ENT physician. This easy-to-use device is for people experiencing the first age-related hearing genes (presbycusis). HOW DOES THE YORKSOUND HEARING AMPLIFIERS WORK? The Puryt Hearing Aid Amplifiers is not a hearing aid or a medical device but can be compared to the magnifying glass sold in pharmacies. Distributed without a pharmacy prescription, aural amplifier device has two amplification programs to amplify, in a simple way, the sounds of voice and everyday life. These two programs are predefined and do not adapt to your hearing problems. They …
When hearing loss is confirmed, several solutions are available to regain the pleasure of hearing. One of the first is hearing amplification devices. But how do hearing aids work? While many models and technologies are available on the market, few people know the ins and outs. However, basic notions in this area can help to see more clearly and, possibly, to hear better. In addition to the types of technology and the different models (earloop, in-ear, etc.), each device is composed of 4 key elements: A microphone; A speaker (or earphone); A battery; An amplification system (the computer). The latter …